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Jack at 10 months

Brandon brought it to my attention yesterday that Jack will turn one next month. ONE?! I'm not ready. Our little boy has grown up way too fast and I'm just not ready for this first year to be over. Our baby soon won't be a baby anymore. So here are some photos of Jack at 10 months old for me to always remember him at this age.
His laugh is contagious!
Jack helped his dad advertise headphones at the campus exposition.
His hair is pretty awesome.

He was sick for 3 weeks. His poor raw nose!
Big beautiful hazel eyes.
Jack and Dad were matching. Jack wasn't feeling well, fell asleep, and held Daddy's hand!
He usually crawls away before I can put his pants on him.
Loves not wearing pants.
Jack loves lasagna!
Jack chooses to sleep in weird positions.
Jack and Greta played on the window during lunch.
Jack loves BYU!

Now for the year birthday, what do you suggest. Should we throw a party and invite friends and family over to celebrate? Or do we just celebrate with our little family and enjoy the day together. Any suggestions?


Amanda @ willful/joyful said...

I think the first birthday is as much a celebration of the kiddo's birthday as it is a celebration of all the hard work the parents put in that first year. You've changed diapers, lost sleep, and altered your life in a million little ways to accommodate this new person into your family. Being a parent is so hard and so wonderful. You've survived year one -- that deserves a party!

Julia Marcum said...

I agree with Amanda! It's up to you how you party--but make sure you do. What a year!

That first picture is the best!

Kelsey said...

Wow it's been a year!! Congrats on having the cutest one year old on the planet!!

Kaylinn said...

Three posts in one month? I LOVE IT! Such a darling little boy. And congrats on the house project, we totally know what it feels like. :)

Kelsi Fullmer said...

He is too CUTE! Love the update. Can't believe our babies will be one! Excited for you and your house! Can't wait to see it! Love you!

Heather said...

Great pics - such a fun age! Enjoy!