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2.28.2003 - 2.28.2012

Tuesday was the anniversary of my brother's car accident. It's crazy, but it's been 9 years.  I say this every year, but I can't believe it has been 9 years. That seems like so long, but yet, every image burns in my mind of that tragic night.  No matter how long it has been, it doesn't make it easier.  It still hurts knowing that he is gone. 

(In short, Brian was one of three killed in the accident when a young driver was going 75 mph in a 35 mph zone.)

 So to help with that, my family has tried to make the anniversary more about a celebration for the time we have had with him, instead of focusing on the fact that he is gone.  I hate being away from my home town during this time, especially since I am home all day with plenty of time to just think.  So I decided to make the day here in Utah a happy one.

My brother Brian loved BYU.  So in memory of Brian, Jack decided to wear his BYU shirt!  And wow he is cute in it!
Jack also wore his uncle's wristband with his basketball number and initials on it. Very sweet of him:)
I headed to the aquarium to hang out with Jack for the day, and Brandon ended up leaving work early and came with us!
Jack LOVES the aquarium. He gets so excited. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

He pet a snake!

This is a dark picture, but look how happy he is!

He loved the water.

We then went to dinner with my younger sister Brittney. And then we came back to our house and released balloons in Brian's honor. (I wore Brian's Hollister hoodie!)
(Thanks Red Robin for the balloons!)

In Colorado, my mom and dad and older sister decorated Brian's grave.

And as a tradition, they put luminaries up and down the street where the accident happened.  This is a very memorable experience. We have done this every year.  My mom was thinking of not doing it but had so many people call and ask if she was doing it that she decided it had to be done.

Several people still gathered at the site and helped them put up the luminaries. What a wonderful community my parents have. They have so much love and support there.


I love and miss Brian so much.  But I am so grateful to have had 15 years with him. I see bits of Brian in Jack and I saw so much of my brother on the anniversary. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

(Side note: For those of you who might not know, Jack's middle name is Brian. He is named after his uncle... as I am sure Jack was the last one of us to see Brian!)


Rebecca aka brian's mom said...

Steph I love seeing how you spent the anniversary...traditionally for nine years a very difficult day...Jack loving the aquarium so much and wearing his shirt and wristband in honor of Brian (and you his Hollister hoody) made me soooo happy.