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La Vida Loca

Everyone feels like their lives are a little crazy once in a while, right? We've been busy lately with the house, but we've made sure to enjoy ourselves as well.  We always write about the house, so I thought I would change it up a bit and show you some of us !

We went to Glenwood Springs one weekend and met my family (half way between us ). We went to celebrate Brian's birthday as well as an early Easter. We had an Easter egg hunt. I forgot how much I miss those! This was my first "Easter" with my family in 6 years.  

Releasing Balloons in honor of Brian. He would be 24.

We got to soak in the hot springs all day and Jack just loved it! He wanted every floaty in the pool!
Chillaxin' in the sun.
We hiked the Rifle Falls. It was pretty.

Top of the falls
Soon this bunch will have another baby on board!

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by working on the house ALL DAY LONG and I had no desire to cook. So we ate out! I love an excuse to celebrate!

We also enjoyed a friendly 80's birthday party/ get together. We look rad right?

Jack was playing with an Easter egg (surprise) and all of a sudden got really quiet. I found him inside the curtains at the back door motionless. I moved the curtains to find this! What a surprise this was. It's apparently a very common thing to have chickens here.

Brandon made this love note out of Jack's toys one morning. He eventually had to tell me about it because I didn't notice it! That's when you know you ALWAYS have toys on your floor.

We got a groupon about a year ago for this restaurant that was by our old apartment. We went to use it a couple of months ago and they refused our service! We showed up at 5 pm when they close at 5:30 pm and the lady told us the grill was off and there was nothing they could do. (I didn't know a grill was so hard to turn on!) So we finally tried it out again. But we probably won't be going back. Can you tell why? Let's just say this wasn't the nicest restaurant we have ever been to.

Jack's so cute!

We went to a UVU baseball game. Jack's first game. It was kind of chilly, but Jack loved it!

Three things that I love in this pic: my handsome husband, my perfect baby, and live baseball games!
Jack might have loved mommies pretzel a little too much!

I got to have a girls night in Salt Lake (City Creek and Melting Pot) while Brandon had a Lord of the Rings marathon with his guy friends. Sad I wasn't invited to that one!

These are old, but I think great. I got to be in a flash mob in Salt Lake! And I got to cross it off my bucket list. I had so much fun!
From the Deseret News

With my friend Shara and my sister Brittney. I look awful. Or I guess "into it."
Oreo eating contest. It kind of looks like mine is coming out rather than going in?!
I acted like a kid all day. And I don't regret it.
Happy 100th birthday OREO!
We had a few date nights. Brandon and I like to laugh. It's healthy for you! So we went to two different comedy shows lately. One was at Comedy Sportz in Provo and the other was at Humor U at BYU. Both were fabulous and made us want to go again.
At Comedy Sportz with Julia and Chris
Another date night was to see the Hunger Games! Brandon and I listened to all three books together on tape. So we were very anxious for this movie! Overall, we were both happy with it. And will definitely be seeing the rest of the series.
Cadbury Mini Eggs are my favorite candy! They were a must for the movie.

Other things:

I am officially on a diet. I am on day four now, which also means I haven't had pop in four days.. yay me! I am done nursing now and I am ready to get rid of this mom body!

Do you remember Brandon posting about his two front teeth? Well he finally completed the whole process and now has two brand new caps! They look amazing. And he loves them. He says he forgot how nice it is to bite into food using your front teeth!
These are the temporary caps. He had these for 2 weeks. Maybe I should say cap (singular) since they are connected.

After the ground down his real teeth before they put on the permanent caps. This is what our teeth would look like without enamel!

After with the permanent caps! Look at that handsome smile!
Brandon was asked to be one of the professionals to review the portfolios of the graduating students of the graphic design program. Just a year ago he was one of those graduating students and now he is grading them! We are so proud of him.

We work on the house every day! Currently we are working on cleaning the garage, fixing the lawn mower, mowing the lawn, finishing baseboards, finally hanging things on the walls, finding light fixtures, door handles, and artwork. Brandon is currently working on some art for the house and we can't wait to show it off!


Julia Marcum said...

You guys are always having so much fun! We need to hang around you more so that rubs off on us. Diets are h-a-r-d!! If you need a coach, or someone to do it with you, you know I'm ALWAYS on a diet. lol.